Monday, January 16, 2012

The Life Philosophy

People are always asking me "Why/how do you have such a positive out look/attitude on life?" It really is so simple. How could I not? I very well could give in say my life is too hard, I cant do all the things I want to do, so why bother doing anything at all. I could choose to stay in bed most the day, never get ready, never go out, or go to school, and never make or move forward in my life. And the sad thing is some people would think that is acceptable for a person like me, but I think otherwise. Life is too beautiful not to love it and want to be all that you can be. Sure it is alot harder to do some things, but I love life to much to waste it. Besides what good would that do me to give up? To fall in a deep hole of depression getting deeper. What good does it do me to feel sorry for myself, and mourn over the things I cant do? It does me not one ounce of good. It is a waste of time and energy that has no happy ending. So I dont go there. I love the things I can do. I find joy in more simple things. And lately I have started to not take anything for granted, and it truely is amazing the difference that makes. So that is why I am mostly happy with life, there is no other way, I love my life and the paths it has taken thus far.

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